Free entries for the International CSR Excellence Awards will close on March 31.

Is yours a company that cares?
• Do you help colleagues to reach their full potential?
• Are you a good neighbour in your local community?
• Do you show loyalty to your suppliers and customer
• Are you reducing your negative impact on the environment?
• Do you support good causes and goodwill initiatives?
• Are you proud of what you do on the
Corporate Social Responsibility front?

If you can answer YES to ANY of these questions,
you could win an


Free entries for the International CSR Excellence Awards
will close on March 31.

If your company is active on the Corporate Social Responsibility front we want to hear about it – and possibly present you with a prestigious trophy at the 2019 Awards ceremony in the summer,
that this year will be held at.

(Studio Theatre and Bar) on Monday 22 July 2019