Entry form The International CSR AwardsCONTACT NAME *JOB TITLE *EMAIL *WEBSITE *PHONE COMPANY NAME *ADDRESS *POSTCODE * YOUR FIRST ENTRY IS FREE UP TO JAN 31 YOUR FIRST ENTRY IS FREE UP TO JANUARY 31 There is no limit to how many entries you can submit, nor how many trophies you might win. Your first entry is free if received before January 31. You can submit the same entry in as many appropriate sectors/categories as you choose, or you can submit different papers in different sectors/categories on payment of the Additional Entry fees. Additional entries are charged at £150 + VAT each (reduced to £100 + VAT if paid in 14 days). Late Entries received during FEBRUARY incur a Late Entry Fee of £200 + VAT (reduced to £150 + VAT if paid in 14 days.) We will invoice you for any fees payable, upon receipt of your entry.BUSINESS SIZE Sole Trader (1/2 employees)Small Business (up to 50 employees)Medium Business (51 to 250 employees)Large Business (251+ employees)SECTOR Please indicate here which business sector you operate in. If you tick more than one sector, that will indicate an additional entry and you will be charged accordingly.PRIVATE SECTOR AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRYBANKING/FINANCE/INSURANCEBUILDING & CONSTRUCTIONDISTRIBUTION & LOGISTICSELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICSENGINEERING & MANUFACTURINGFARMING & AGRICULTUREFOOD & DRINKFUEL, POWER & ENERGYHOSPITALITY/TRAVELHEALTHCARELEGALMEDIA, MARKETING, ADVERTISING, PRPAPER & PACKAGINGPRINTING & PUBLISHINGPRODUCTSPROPERTY & ESTATE MANAGEMENTRETAIL & WHOLESALESCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY, AEROSPACESERVICE INDUSTRIESSPORT/LEISURETRANSPORT/FREIGHT & HIGHWAYSUTILITIES Water, Gas, Electricity & Telecomms companiesOTHERIF OTHER PLEASE STATE PUBLIC SECTOR CENTRAL GOVERNMENT+ department title CITY COUNCILCOUNTY COUNCILLONDON BOROUGHSMETROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCILSTOWN / PARISH COUNCILUNITARY AUTHORITIESAMBULANCEFIRE AND RESCUEGOVERNMENT AGENCYHOUSING ASSOCIATIONNATIONAL HEALTH SERVICEPOLICEPRISON SERVICEOTHERIF OTHER PLEASE STATE CATEGORIES Please indicate here which area (or areas) of CSR activity apply to your entry (or entries). NB. IF YOU TICK MORE THAN ONE CATEGORY, YOUR ENTRY WILL BE SUBMITTED IN EACH CATEGORY AND YOU WILL BE CHARGED ACCORDINGLY. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESCHARITABLE GIVINGCOMMUNICATIONCOMMUNITY COMMITMENTCORPORATE CITIZENSHIPCSR REPORTSCUSTOMER CAREEQUAL OPPORTUNITIES (gender/race/religion/disabled)ETHICAL INVESTMENTFAIR TRADEGOVERNANCEINITIATIVES (for communities/customers/employees/environment)INNOVATIONINVESTMENT (of corporate time/effort/funding)LEADERSHIPPARTNERSHIPS / SPONSORSHIPPHILANTHROPYRISK ASSESSMENTSOCIO-ECONOMICSUPPLIER BENEFITSSUPPLY MANAGEMENTSUPPORT THE ARTSSUSTAINABILITYVOLUNTEERINGEMPLOYEE BENEFITS EDUCATIONENGAGEMENTFAMILY COMMITMENTFAMILY COMMITMENTHEALTHPROMOTION PROSPECTSSKILLS DEVELOPMENTTRAININGTRANSPORT (EG: CAR-SHARING/BIKE TO WORK/ ETC)ENVIRONMENTAL AIR QUALITYCLIMATE CHANGEEMISSION REDUCTIONENERGY REDUCTIONNOISE CONTROLSPOLLUTION AVOIDANCEWASTES MANAGEMENTWATER SAVINGSOTHERIF OTHER PLEASE STATE WHAT THE JUDGES ARE LOOKING FOR The judges are asked to consider the following: 1. CSR Benefit Does the entry identify clear CSR benefit? 2. Degree of originality/innovation. New or novel solutions to problems? 3. Commitment of the entrants Involvement of relevant stakeholders and employees Have the staff demonstrated their commitment? 4. Social Benefit Have communities or areas benefited? 5. Economic Benefit Have reductions or savings been achieved? 6. Evidence of measurable impact/benefits (environmental, social and financial) Are the theories supported by measurable improvements? 7. Future expansion of the scheme How do you intend to move forward? 8. Replicability Can others adopt the procedures to their own benefit? Other factors that merit additional points include: Component of continual improvement and sustainable approach Demonstrable programme for promotion and dissemination of the work Monitoring/Reporting Accountability/Transparency We award Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies to the first three in each category.BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF YOUR CSR AWARDS ENTRY (Maximum of 300 words) *A 300 word synopsis of why you think you should win an International Corporate and Social Responsibility Excellence AwardOVERALL SUMMARY (Maximum of 2,000 words) *Up to 2,000 words to go into more detail about your appropriate endeavours.ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION You can upload up to six pages of any additional documentation in support of your application. *PLEASE NOTE* ENSURE ALL FILES HAVE FULLY UPLOADED BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR FORM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FILES MUST NOT EXCEED 5MBFile Upload File Upload File Upload File Upload File Upload File Upload How did you hear about us? *Facebook PostLinkedin PostGoogle SearchEmail MarketingPreviously won an International CSR Awards VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: