CSR Accredited organisations shortlisted for the International CSR Excellence Awards

CSR Accredited organisations shortlisted for the International CSR Excellence Awards

We are pleased to announce that 14 organistions that became CSR Accredited in the last 12 months have gone through to win an award at this years International CSR Excellence Awards.

This means that they have definitely won one of our prestigious International CSR Excellence Awards (though we never reveal who has won exactly what until the trophies are presented).

They competed against more than 300 other nominations in the International CSR Excellence Awards 2020, and they will be presented with their trophy and certificate later in the year.

As a result of this International CSR Excellence Award success, they have been invited to achieve CSR World Leader status and have their winning paper published in The Global Guide to CSR Excellence (the leading international work of reference on corporate social responsibility best practice) so that others around the world can follow their lead and learn from their achievement.

Register now to become a CSR Accredited organisation: https://csr-accreditation.co.uk/apply-for-csr-accreditation/

Every successful CSR Accreditation will benefit from:

  • Three years CSR Accreditation
  • A CSR Accreditation logo pack and guidelines
  • An Accreditation certificate
  • A tree planted in your name
  • Automatic entry to the International CSR Excellence Awards
  • Will feature in our CSR Accredited members directory
  • 5% of every application fee will go to our charity nominated charity


Take our free quick and simple CSR Assessment survey to see if your organisation qualifies for a national CSR Accreditation – Click Here