Congratulations to Ashingtion Page for achieving a Silver CSR Accreditation

Congratulations to Ashington Page and Gareth Ashington and his team for achieving a Silver CSR Accreditation.

“This has been an enlightening process for us as individuals and as a company to go through. It has confirmed to us that whilst we tick some of each of the CSR 4 pillars boxes that make up this accreditation, that there is much more that we could and will be doing. We will have a greater awareness in the decisions that we make in the future”
Gareth Ashington.

Ashington Page has seen that the whole team are actively engaged, and how they will now be making changes to their own personal lives particularly with regards to plastic and excess packaging. They are also in the process of reducing the amount of paper that they consume and are working towards becoming as close to a paperless office as is practicable.

Together with installing LED lights, supporting a local school and charities these are just a few examples which show that their mindsets and actions are changing at a time when it has never been important to make a positive difference to local and wider areas.