Richard Collins

CSR Accredited organisations shortlisted for the International CSR Excellence Awards

CSR Accredited organisations shortlisted for the International CSR Excellence Awards We are pleased to announce that 14 organistions that became CSR Accredited in the last 12 months have gone through to win an award at this years International CSR Excellence Awards. This means that they have definitely won one of our prestigious International CSR Excellence

CSR Accredited organisations shortlisted for the International CSR Excellence Awards Read More »

Your opportunity to pay tribute and say thank you to front line workers

As health workers strain every sinew to help every one of us during this desperate coronavirus emergency, you now have a unique opportunity to pay tribute and say thank you to them individually. Everyone nominated will receive a prestigious medal certificate recognising their efforts, and we will plant a tree in their name and yours

Your opportunity to pay tribute and say thank you to front line workers Read More »